Imo port state control guidelines

Imo port state control guidelines
Organization (IMO) guidelines for port State control Under the port State control regime the standard of ships trading to Australian ports is quantified
quality flag State. The purpose of these guidelines is to contribute to a development where the number of Danish ships detained after port state control inspections is kept at a minimum. The Danish Maritime Authority have analysed the causes for all detentions of Danish ships at port state control inspections in the period 1998-2002.
Guidelines for Port State Control under the Ballast Water Management Convention To : Shipowners, Ship Managers, Ship Operators, Masters and Classification Societies Summary This Note advises that IMO has adopted the “Guidelines for port State control under the BWM Convention”. 1.
Tripartite Expert Meeting to Develop Guidelines for Port State Control Officers as much of the information contained in the flag State guidelines will also
PORT STATE CONTROL – 2018. From 10 to 20 over its ships and to explain the role of a port State in supplementing such control; to the flag State and to IMO
harmonization of port State control activities and development of guidelines on port State control under the 2004 Lloyd’s Register briefing IMO FSI 19

The BWM Convention and its Guidelines. discussed the draft Guidelines on Port State Control under the 2004 BWM Inauguration of 6th GEF-UNDP-IMO GloBallast R&D
Cook Islands at the IMO; Sanctions; Maritime Cook Islands. MCI Circular 155- Management of Port State Control MCI Circular 92 Paris MoU Guidelines on
IMO guidelines ofPSC on the ISM Code have constituted the basis for this study. Port State Control, ISM Code, Safety Management System, non-conformity,

DMA Port State Control to Include Sulphur Rules and Polar

GUIDELINES International Labour Organization

Are you prepared for the next port state control inspection? Or what do you do if your vessel is detained and cannot continue on schedule? You need a reliable partner
FOR PORT STATE CONTROL OFFICERS (Extract from IMO Resolution A.787 (19), as amended ) TO: SHIPOWNERS, SHIPS’ OPERATORS & MANAGERS SURVEYORS TO FLAG STATE ADMINISTRATION Monaco, 08 April 2005 . The aim of this ircular is to support C Shipowners, ships’ Operators and Managers to be prepared for a Port State Control Inspection (Paris MOU).
guidelines for port State control officers. These guidelines are based on the MLC 2006 and take into account the port State control guidelines from the ILO. Guidelines on STCW (including the “Manila amendments”), electronic charts, lifeboat launching arrangements, asbestos, MARPOL Annex VI and LRIT were also adopted.
Twenty-nine countries from the Paris and the Tokyo Memoranda of Understanding have signed a new Ministerial Declaration on Port State Control (PSC), the Danish
Guidelines for port State control officers on the ISM Code, as appropriate, Documents/English/MSC-MEPC.4-CIRC.4 (E).docx ANNEX
Port State Control IMO Procedures for Port State Control. Detention “It should be borne in mind that the main purpose of Port State Control is to prevent a ship proceeding to sea if it is unsafe or presents an unreasonable threat of harm to the marine environment”
IMO Ship Survey, Port State Control Senior personnel onboard and ashore who are responsible for such surveys are trained according to the IMO course guidelines.
Guidance on Management of Port State Control Inspections Port state Control inspections are carried out as per guidelines of IMO assembly resolution A.1190

Port State control and the impact it is having on ships, Port State control practice continues to vary port-by-port. (IMO) ( and
The MPA performs Port State Control inspections to check and ensure Port Security. Current IMO Port Marine Safety. Guidelines for Vessels on the Lowering
Port State Control Safe and Sustainable from Port to procedures and guidelines for port state control International Maritime Organization
Resolution MEPC.181(59) Please find here below the following useful information IMO 2009 Guidelines for Port State Control under the Revised MARPOL Annex VI
Ballast Water Collaborative IMO Latest Updates – Correspondence Group to provide input into Port State Control • Guidelines for sediment control on 2-5-3.docx E SUB-COMMITTEE ON POLLUTION GUIDELINES FOR PORT STATE CONTROL UNDER THE 2004 BWM CONVENTION,
International Maritime Organization (IMO) Guidelines for Safe Ocean Towing foreign towing vessels will be subject to a Port State Control inspection at

Guidelines and manuals > International Maritime Organization > About the IMO > International conventions > Port State Control (PSC)
MARPOL Annex VI – IMO Guidelines for Port State Control Published: 29 July 2005 10:50 Updated: 01 September 2011 11:37. As reported in Weekly NEWS No. 29 of 22 July
The Guidelines for port State control officers carrying out inspections under the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC, 2006), contained in this book are an
This circular provides Shipowners guidance for those deficiencies that lead to vessel’s detention in relation to the ISM Code during a Port State Control Inspection.

Memorandums of understanding on port state control the

The texts of the Guidelines for flag State inspections under the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 and Guidelines for port State control officers carrying out
GUIDELINES FOR THE DETENTION OF SHIPS 1 Introduction IMO A.1052(27) PROCEDURES FOR PORT STATE CONTROL. To assist the PSCO in the use of these Guidelines,
IMO IB650E Procedures for Port State Control 2017 (2018 Edition) This publication aims to assist governments in establishing a national oil spill response system and
Procedures for PSC 2011 (2012 2nd edit.). Year: 2012. Language: english. Author: IMO. Genre: Resolution. Publisher: CPI Group (UK) Ltd. Edition: IMO Publications.

Legal Aspects of Port State Control Lund University

This page provides an overview of Port State Control Forms and guidelines; The IMO/ILO conventions and Port State Control. The IMO
The Paris MOU issued Guidelines for the use of electronic certificates in an effort to regularize the use of such certificates by ships and the recognition of such
The IMO will develop a single set of guidelines on “Consistent implementation of regulation 14.1.3 of MARPOL Annex VI” for use by Administrations, port State control authorities, ship owners, shipbuilders and fuel oil providers. With regard to the various points that will be covered the Marine
Heavy Weather Guidelines – Imo. Practices in Pilotage Poland NKK Port State Control Inspector first required installation of second life raft as they

PSC 004 Gen Procedural Guidelines for Port State Control

Ship Safety Bulletin Transport Canada

The IMO issued a Circular forwarding guidance for port state control (PSC) under MARPOL Annex VI (air emissions). The goal…
majority of the regional PSC organisations have guidelines on how to appeal IMO Procedures for Port State Control, Appendix 1 also provides guidelines
port state control preparation checklist page 1. imo / safety signs / p&i posters. 1.2. operational – procedural – documentation controls 1.2.1.

Guidelines for Port State Control performed on Danish ships

IMO Holds Enforcement Training Workshop for Port State

IMO has just published Procedures for Port State Control, 2012 Edition, which replaces the previous edition published in 2000. Read on to learn what Port State Control is for, what has changed in this new edition, and when it will be available.
Memorandum of Understanding on port State control in MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING ON PORT on procedure for port State control as may be amended by IMO.
Proposal for Guidelines for port State control Recognizing the work done by the IMO in The Office proposal for guidelines for port State control officers set

Sampling and Analysis of ballast water in the context of PSC

GUIDELINES FOR THE CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT OF SHIPS (IMO). Port State authority means any official or organisation authorized by the Government of a port State
Port State Control (PSC) is the inspection of foreign ships in national ports to verify that the condition of the ship and its equipment comply with the requirements of international regulations and that the ship is manned and operated in compliance with these rules.
2013-05-21 · The IMO Guidelines for 1997 Edition Procedures for Port State Control, 2012 Edition Guidelines for Liquids Documents Similar To IMO code list. Imo.
ILO Guidelines for port State control offi cers C. 188 GUIDELINES Guidelines for port State control offi cers carrying out inspections under the
sail from a previous port? Port State Control Are you aware of the IMO and Do you know that many of the major Port State Control regions publish guidelines
Appendix 8 Guidelines for port State control related to the ISM Code Appendix 13 Report of inspection in accordance with IMO port State control procedures
Guidelines for Port State Control Off. Carrying Out Inspections Under the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006. The guidelines contained in this book are an important
Auxiliary Assistant Port State Control Examiner (Formerly Port State Port State Control Guidelines for the o Read International Maritime Organization

IMO Holds Enforcement Training Workshop for Port State Control Officers; IMO Holds Enforcement Training Workshop for Port on “Port State Control and
… the Port State Control MEPC.252(67) adopted on 17. October 2014 Guidelines for Port State Control under before data collection starts for the IMO
International Labour Organization Guidelines for port State control officers carrying out inspections under the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 International Labour
Sampling and Analysis of ballast water in the context of PSC. Sampling and analysis of ballast water is a Draft IMO Guidelines for Port State Control
Port state Control inspections are carried out as per guidelines of IMO assembly resolution A.1190 (30) & ILO guidelines under Maritime Labour Convention 2006.
IMO FSI 21 Summary Report Considering this FSI 21 established a correspondence group with instructions to draft the IMO guidelines on port State control under the
The International Maritime Organization included in the final Guidelines: “Verification issues and control mechanism and actions, including Port State control and

This involves assessing the functioning of the port State inspection systems set up of relevant documents published by IMO, ILO and port state control related
The Ultimate Guide to Port State Control (PSC) Inspection on Ships. port state control (PSC) inspection? A port state put forth by the IMO and
PROCEDURES FOR PORT STATE CONTROL, 2017 THE ASSEMBLY, RECALLING Article 15(j) of the Convention on the International Maritime Organization regarding the functions of the Assembly in relation to regulations and guidelines concerning maritime safety and the prevention and control of marine pollution from ships,
Legal Aspects of Port State Control Master thesis 3.1 IMO guidelines on PSC 17 Port state control plays a central role in maritime safety and protection of

Guidelines for Port State Control Off. Carrying Out

Subject: GUIDANCE ON PORT STATE CONTROL INSPECTIONS Masters to ensure a Positive PSC Inspection” on Port State Control Inspections Most importantly an IMO
PORT STATE CONTROL by MOU regulations by the maritime authority of the port State and acts under its responsibility. with IMO guidelines;
Memorandums of understanding on port state control : Title Memorandums of Understanding on port State 5.2 Role of IMO in Global MOU on port State control 89
A recent workshop (24-26 October) for port State control New IMO guidelines will help reduce accidents during Lifeboat drills (
These guidelines provide information and examples to help domestic commercial vessel owners Port State control The International Maritime Organization’s


Port State Control IMO

IMO Maritime Cyprus Page 2

ISM and ISPS pocket Checklist – UK P&I

IMO code list Oil Spill Ships

This page provides an overview of Port State Control Forms and guidelines; The IMO/ILO conventions and Port State Control. The IMO
Guidelines for Port State Control Off. Carrying Out Inspections Under the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006. The guidelines contained in this book are an important
GUIDELINES FOR THE DETENTION OF SHIPS 1 Introduction IMO A.1052(27) PROCEDURES FOR PORT STATE CONTROL. To assist the PSCO in the use of these Guidelines,
ILO Guidelines for port State control offi cers C. 188 GUIDELINES Guidelines for port State control offi cers carrying out inspections under the
The Paris MOU issued Guidelines for the use of electronic certificates in an effort to regularize the use of such certificates by ships and the recognition of such
Legal Aspects of Port State Control Master thesis 3.1 IMO guidelines on PSC 17 Port state control plays a central role in maritime safety and protection of
A recent workshop (24-26 October) for port State control New IMO guidelines will help reduce accidents during Lifeboat drills (
Port State Control Safe and Sustainable from Port to procedures and guidelines for port state control International Maritime Organization
Appendix 8 Guidelines for port State control related to the ISM Code Appendix 13 Report of inspection in accordance with IMO port State control procedures
This circular provides Shipowners guidance for those deficiencies that lead to vessel’s detention in relation to the ISM Code during a Port State Control Inspection.
PORT STATE CONTROL by MOU regulations by the maritime authority of the port State and acts under its responsibility. with IMO guidelines;
Guidelines for Port State Control under the Ballast Water Management Convention To : Shipowners, Ship Managers, Ship Operators, Masters and Classification Societies Summary This Note advises that IMO has adopted the “Guidelines for port State control under the BWM Convention”. 1.

Port State Control Examiner
Guidelines for a safety management system

GUIDELINES FOR THE CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT OF SHIPS (IMO). Port State authority means any official or organisation authorized by the Government of a port State
FOR PORT STATE CONTROL OFFICERS (Extract from IMO Resolution A.787 (19), as amended ) TO: SHIPOWNERS, SHIPS’ OPERATORS & MANAGERS SURVEYORS TO FLAG STATE ADMINISTRATION Monaco, 08 April 2005 . The aim of this ircular is to support C Shipowners, ships’ Operators and Managers to be prepared for a Port State Control Inspection (Paris MOU).
This circular provides Shipowners guidance for those deficiencies that lead to vessel’s detention in relation to the ISM Code during a Port State Control Inspection.
majority of the regional PSC organisations have guidelines on how to appeal IMO Procedures for Port State Control, Appendix 1 also provides guidelines
International Maritime Organization (IMO) Guidelines for Safe Ocean Towing foreign towing vessels will be subject to a Port State Control inspection at
Subject: GUIDANCE ON PORT STATE CONTROL INSPECTIONS Masters to ensure a Positive PSC Inspection” on Port State Control Inspections Most importantly an IMO
Appendix 8 Guidelines for port State control related to the ISM Code Appendix 13 Report of inspection in accordance with IMO port State control procedures
The texts of the Guidelines for flag State inspections under the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 and Guidelines for port State control officers carrying out
Guidelines for Port State Control Off. Carrying Out Inspections Under the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006. The guidelines contained in this book are an important
The BWM Convention and its Guidelines. discussed the draft Guidelines on Port State Control under the 2004 BWM Inauguration of 6th GEF-UNDP-IMO GloBallast R&D
Guidelines for port State control officers on the ISM Code, as appropriate, Documents/English/MSC-MEPC.4-CIRC.4 (E).docx ANNEX
Tripartite Expert Meeting to Develop Guidelines for Port State Control Officers as much of the information contained in the flag State guidelines will also

PSC 004 Gen Procedural Guidelines for Port State Control

The IMO issued a Circular forwarding guidance for port state control (PSC) under MARPOL Annex VI (air emissions). The goal…
These guidelines provide information and examples to help domestic commercial vessel owners Port State control The International Maritime Organization’s
Auxiliary Assistant Port State Control Examiner (Formerly Port State Port State Control Guidelines for the o Read International Maritime Organization
Sampling and Analysis of ballast water in the context of PSC. Sampling and analysis of ballast water is a Draft IMO Guidelines for Port State Control
guidelines for port State control officers. These guidelines are based on the MLC 2006 and take into account the port State control guidelines from the ILO. Guidelines on STCW (including the “Manila amendments”), electronic charts, lifeboat launching arrangements, asbestos, MARPOL Annex VI and LRIT were also adopted.
Heavy Weather Guidelines – Imo. Practices in Pilotage Poland NKK Port State Control Inspector first required installation of second life raft as they
IMO IB650E Procedures for Port State Control 2017 (2018 Edition) This publication aims to assist governments in establishing a national oil spill response system and
The IMO will develop a single set of guidelines on “Consistent implementation of regulation 14.1.3 of MARPOL Annex VI” for use by Administrations, port State control authorities, ship owners, shipbuilders and fuel oil providers. With regard to the various points that will be covered the Marine
The Ultimate Guide to Port State Control (PSC) Inspection on Ships. port state control (PSC) inspection? A port state put forth by the IMO and
Guidelines and manuals > International Maritime Organization > About the IMO > International conventions > Port State Control (PSC)
Subject: GUIDANCE ON PORT STATE CONTROL INSPECTIONS Masters to ensure a Positive PSC Inspection” on Port State Control Inspections Most importantly an IMO
This circular provides Shipowners guidance for those deficiencies that lead to vessel’s detention in relation to the ISM Code during a Port State Control Inspection.

DMA Port State Control to Include Sulphur Rules and Polar
Port State Control Marine Department

GUIDELINES FOR THE CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT OF SHIPS (IMO). Port State authority means any official or organisation authorized by the Government of a port State
Port State control and the impact it is having on ships, Port State control practice continues to vary port-by-port. (IMO) ( and
PROCEDURES FOR PORT STATE CONTROL, 2017 THE ASSEMBLY, RECALLING Article 15(j) of the Convention on the International Maritime Organization regarding the functions of the Assembly in relation to regulations and guidelines concerning maritime safety and the prevention and control of marine pollution from ships,
The IMO will develop a single set of guidelines on “Consistent implementation of regulation 14.1.3 of MARPOL Annex VI” for use by Administrations, port State control authorities, ship owners, shipbuilders and fuel oil providers. With regard to the various points that will be covered the Marine
International Labour Organization Guidelines for port State control officers carrying out inspections under the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 International Labour
Appendix 8 Guidelines for port State control related to the ISM Code Appendix 13 Report of inspection in accordance with IMO port State control procedures
Cook Islands at the IMO; Sanctions; Maritime Cook Islands. MCI Circular 155- Management of Port State Control MCI Circular 92 Paris MoU Guidelines on
IMO guidelines ofPSC on the ISM Code have constituted the basis for this study. Port State Control, ISM Code, Safety Management System, non-conformity,
The International Maritime Organization included in the final Guidelines: “Verification issues and control mechanism and actions, including Port State control and
FOR PORT STATE CONTROL OFFICERS (Extract from IMO Resolution A.787 (19), as amended ) TO: SHIPOWNERS, SHIPS’ OPERATORS & MANAGERS SURVEYORS TO FLAG STATE ADMINISTRATION Monaco, 08 April 2005 . The aim of this ircular is to support C Shipowners, ships’ Operators and Managers to be prepared for a Port State Control Inspection (Paris MOU).
Heavy Weather Guidelines – Imo. Practices in Pilotage Poland NKK Port State Control Inspector first required installation of second life raft as they
This circular provides Shipowners guidance for those deficiencies that lead to vessel’s detention in relation to the ISM Code during a Port State Control Inspection.

Guidelines for a safety management system
IMO 2009 Guidelines for PSC under the Revised MARPOL Annex

The International Maritime Organization included in the final Guidelines: “Verification issues and control mechanism and actions, including Port State control and
The MPA performs Port State Control inspections to check and ensure Port Security. Current IMO Port Marine Safety. Guidelines for Vessels on the Lowering
PORT STATE CONTROL – 2018. From 10 to 20 over its ships and to explain the role of a port State in supplementing such control; to the flag State and to IMO
Proposal for Guidelines for port State control Recognizing the work done by the IMO in The Office proposal for guidelines for port State control officers set
The IMO issued a Circular forwarding guidance for port state control (PSC) under MARPOL Annex VI (air emissions). The goal…
Cook Islands at the IMO; Sanctions; Maritime Cook Islands. MCI Circular 155- Management of Port State Control MCI Circular 92 Paris MoU Guidelines on
The Ultimate Guide to Port State Control (PSC) Inspection on Ships. port state control (PSC) inspection? A port state put forth by the IMO and
port state control preparation checklist page 1. imo / safety signs / p&i posters. 1.2. operational – procedural – documentation controls 1.2.1.

IMO sulphur cap Consistent implementation Intersessional
ISM and ISPS pocket Checklist – UK P&I

The IMO issued a Circular forwarding guidance for port state control (PSC) under MARPOL Annex VI (air emissions). The goal…
Port State Control Safe and Sustainable from Port to procedures and guidelines for port state control International Maritime Organization
guidelines for port State control officers. These guidelines are based on the MLC 2006 and take into account the port State control guidelines from the ILO. Guidelines on STCW (including the “Manila amendments”), electronic charts, lifeboat launching arrangements, asbestos, MARPOL Annex VI and LRIT were also adopted.
This page provides an overview of Port State Control Forms and guidelines; The IMO/ILO conventions and Port State Control. The IMO
Cook Islands at the IMO; Sanctions; Maritime Cook Islands. MCI Circular 155- Management of Port State Control MCI Circular 92 Paris MoU Guidelines on
GUIDELINES FOR THE CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT OF SHIPS (IMO). Port State authority means any official or organisation authorized by the Government of a port State
International Maritime Organization (IMO) Guidelines for Safe Ocean Towing foreign towing vessels will be subject to a Port State Control inspection at
Resolution MEPC.181(59) Please find here below the following useful information IMO 2009 Guidelines for Port State Control under the Revised MARPOL Annex VI
The MPA performs Port State Control inspections to check and ensure Port Security. Current IMO Port Marine Safety. Guidelines for Vessels on the Lowering
These guidelines provide information and examples to help domestic commercial vessel owners Port State control The International Maritime Organization’s
This circular provides Shipowners guidance for those deficiencies that lead to vessel’s detention in relation to the ISM Code during a Port State Control Inspection.
The Ultimate Guide to Port State Control (PSC) Inspection on Ships. port state control (PSC) inspection? A port state put forth by the IMO and
IMO IB650E Procedures for Port State Control 2017 (2018 Edition) This publication aims to assist governments in establishing a national oil spill response system and
Twenty-nine countries from the Paris and the Tokyo Memoranda of Understanding have signed a new Ministerial Declaration on Port State Control (PSC), the Danish
Port State control and the impact it is having on ships, Port State control practice continues to vary port-by-port. (IMO) ( and

Legal Aspects of Port State Control Lund University
IMO sulphur cap Consistent implementation Intersessional

The Paris MOU issued Guidelines for the use of electronic certificates in an effort to regularize the use of such certificates by ships and the recognition of such
A recent workshop (24-26 October) for port State control New IMO guidelines will help reduce accidents during Lifeboat drills (
MARPOL Annex VI – IMO Guidelines for Port State Control Published: 29 July 2005 10:50 Updated: 01 September 2011 11:37. As reported in Weekly NEWS No. 29 of 22 July
Port state Control inspections are carried out as per guidelines of IMO assembly resolution A.1190 (30) & ILO guidelines under Maritime Labour Convention 2006.
ILO Guidelines for port State control offi cers C. 188 GUIDELINES Guidelines for port State control offi cers carrying out inspections under the
Organization (IMO) guidelines for port State control Under the port State control regime the standard of ships trading to Australian ports is quantified
majority of the regional PSC organisations have guidelines on how to appeal IMO Procedures for Port State Control, Appendix 1 also provides guidelines
harmonization of port State control activities and development of guidelines on port State control under the 2004 Lloyd’s Register briefing IMO FSI 19
Tripartite Expert Meeting to Develop Guidelines for Port State Control Officers as much of the information contained in the flag State guidelines will also
The IMO will develop a single set of guidelines on “Consistent implementation of regulation 14.1.3 of MARPOL Annex VI” for use by Administrations, port State control authorities, ship owners, shipbuilders and fuel oil providers. With regard to the various points that will be covered the Marine
Procedures for PSC 2011 (2012 2nd edit.). Year: 2012. Language: english. Author: IMO. Genre: Resolution. Publisher: CPI Group (UK) Ltd. Edition: IMO Publications.


This circular provides Shipowners guidance for those deficiencies that lead to vessel’s detention in relation to the ISM Code during a Port State Control Inspection.
Proposal for Guidelines for port State control Recognizing the work done by the IMO in The Office proposal for guidelines for port State control officers set
IMO FSI 21 Summary Report Considering this FSI 21 established a correspondence group with instructions to draft the IMO guidelines on port State control under the
Resolution MEPC.181(59) Please find here below the following useful information IMO 2009 Guidelines for Port State Control under the Revised MARPOL Annex VI
Are you prepared for the next port state control inspection? Or what do you do if your vessel is detained and cannot continue on schedule? You need a reliable partner
Organization (IMO) guidelines for port State control Under the port State control regime the standard of ships trading to Australian ports is quantified
IMO has just published Procedures for Port State Control, 2012 Edition, which replaces the previous edition published in 2000. Read on to learn what Port State Control is for, what has changed in this new edition, and when it will be available.
A recent workshop (24-26 October) for port State control New IMO guidelines will help reduce accidents during Lifeboat drills (
Ballast Water Collaborative IMO Latest Updates – Correspondence Group to provide input into Port State Control • Guidelines for sediment control on
Guidelines for Port State Control under the Ballast Water Management Convention To : Shipowners, Ship Managers, Ship Operators, Masters and Classification Societies Summary This Note advises that IMO has adopted the “Guidelines for port State control under the BWM Convention”. 1.
FOR PORT STATE CONTROL OFFICERS (Extract from IMO Resolution A.787 (19), as amended ) TO: SHIPOWNERS, SHIPS’ OPERATORS & MANAGERS SURVEYORS TO FLAG STATE ADMINISTRATION Monaco, 08 April 2005 . The aim of this ircular is to support C Shipowners, ships’ Operators and Managers to be prepared for a Port State Control Inspection (Paris MOU).
Twenty-nine countries from the Paris and the Tokyo Memoranda of Understanding have signed a new Ministerial Declaration on Port State Control (PSC), the Danish
The texts of the Guidelines for flag State inspections under the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 and Guidelines for port State control officers carrying out

Guidelines for a safety management system

Procedures for PSC 2011 (2012 2nd edit.). Year: 2012. Language: english. Author: IMO. Genre: Resolution. Publisher: CPI Group (UK) Ltd. Edition: IMO Publications.
FOR PORT STATE CONTROL OFFICERS (Extract from IMO Resolution A.787 (19), as amended ) TO: SHIPOWNERS, SHIPS’ OPERATORS & MANAGERS SURVEYORS TO FLAG STATE ADMINISTRATION Monaco, 08 April 2005 . The aim of this ircular is to support C Shipowners, ships’ Operators and Managers to be prepared for a Port State Control Inspection (Paris MOU).
Guidelines for port State control officers on the ISM Code, as appropriate, Documents/English/MSC-MEPC.4-CIRC.4 (E).docx ANNEX
Port State Control (PSC) is the inspection of foreign ships in national ports to verify that the condition of the ship and its equipment comply with the requirements of international regulations and that the ship is manned and operated in compliance with these rules.
Auxiliary Assistant Port State Control Examiner (Formerly Port State Port State Control Guidelines for the o Read International Maritime Organization
These guidelines provide information and examples to help domestic commercial vessel owners Port State control The International Maritime Organization’s
IMO has just published Procedures for Port State Control, 2012 Edition, which replaces the previous edition published in 2000. Read on to learn what Port State Control is for, what has changed in this new edition, and when it will be available.
Memorandums of understanding on port state control : Title Memorandums of Understanding on port State 5.2 Role of IMO in Global MOU on port State control 89
International Maritime Organization (IMO) Guidelines for Safe Ocean Towing foreign towing vessels will be subject to a Port State Control inspection at
IMO FSI 21 Summary Report Considering this FSI 21 established a correspondence group with instructions to draft the IMO guidelines on port State control under the
The IMO issued a Circular forwarding guidance for port state control (PSC) under MARPOL Annex VI (air emissions). The goal…
sail from a previous port? Port State Control Are you aware of the IMO and Do you know that many of the major Port State Control regions publish guidelines 2-5-3.docx E SUB-COMMITTEE ON POLLUTION GUIDELINES FOR PORT STATE CONTROL UNDER THE 2004 BWM CONVENTION,

Port State Control IMO

GUIDELINES FOR THE DETENTION OF SHIPS 1 Introduction IMO A.1052(27) PROCEDURES FOR PORT STATE CONTROL. To assist the PSCO in the use of these Guidelines,
IMO guidelines ofPSC on the ISM Code have constituted the basis for this study. Port State Control, ISM Code, Safety Management System, non-conformity,
Subject: GUIDANCE ON PORT STATE CONTROL INSPECTIONS Masters to ensure a Positive PSC Inspection” on Port State Control Inspections Most importantly an IMO
… the Port State Control MEPC.252(67) adopted on 17. October 2014 Guidelines for Port State Control under before data collection starts for the IMO
These guidelines provide information and examples to help domestic commercial vessel owners Port State control The International Maritime Organization’s
IMO Holds Enforcement Training Workshop for Port State Control Officers; IMO Holds Enforcement Training Workshop for Port on “Port State Control and
Memorandum of Understanding on port State control in MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING ON PORT on procedure for port State control as may be amended by IMO.
Guidelines for Port State Control under the Ballast Water Management Convention To : Shipowners, Ship Managers, Ship Operators, Masters and Classification Societies Summary This Note advises that IMO has adopted the “Guidelines for port State control under the BWM Convention”. 1.
sail from a previous port? Port State Control Are you aware of the IMO and Do you know that many of the major Port State Control regions publish guidelines
ILO Guidelines for port State control offi cers C. 188 GUIDELINES Guidelines for port State control offi cers carrying out inspections under the
International Labour Organization Guidelines for port State control officers carrying out inspections under the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 International Labour

Resolution A.1052(27) (Agenda item 9) PROCEDURES FOR PORT

Ballast Water Collaborative IMO Latest Updates – Correspondence Group to provide input into Port State Control • Guidelines for sediment control on
Sampling and Analysis of ballast water in the context of PSC. Sampling and analysis of ballast water is a Draft IMO Guidelines for Port State Control
GUIDELINES FOR THE DETENTION OF SHIPS 1 Introduction IMO A.1052(27) PROCEDURES FOR PORT STATE CONTROL. To assist the PSCO in the use of these Guidelines,
A recent workshop (24-26 October) for port State control New IMO guidelines will help reduce accidents during Lifeboat drills (
Guidelines for Port State Control Off. Carrying Out Inspections Under the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006. The guidelines contained in this book are an important
Procedures for PSC 2011 (2012 2nd edit.). Year: 2012. Language: english. Author: IMO. Genre: Resolution. Publisher: CPI Group (UK) Ltd. Edition: IMO Publications.
This page provides an overview of Port State Control Forms and guidelines; The IMO/ILO conventions and Port State Control. The IMO

Guidance on Management of Port State Control Inspections
Port State Control IMSSEA

Appendix 8 Guidelines for port State control related to the ISM Code Appendix 13 Report of inspection in accordance with IMO port State control procedures
PORT STATE CONTROL by MOU regulations by the maritime authority of the port State and acts under its responsibility. with IMO guidelines;
PORT STATE CONTROL – 2018. From 10 to 20 over its ships and to explain the role of a port State in supplementing such control; to the flag State and to IMO
This page provides an overview of Port State Control Forms and guidelines; The IMO/ILO conventions and Port State Control. The IMO
Memorandums of understanding on port state control : Title Memorandums of Understanding on port State 5.2 Role of IMO in Global MOU on port State control 89
These guidelines provide information and examples to help domestic commercial vessel owners Port State control The International Maritime Organization’s
guidelines for port State control officers. These guidelines are based on the MLC 2006 and take into account the port State control guidelines from the ILO. Guidelines on STCW (including the “Manila amendments”), electronic charts, lifeboat launching arrangements, asbestos, MARPOL Annex VI and LRIT were also adopted.
MARPOL Annex VI – IMO Guidelines for Port State Control Published: 29 July 2005 10:50 Updated: 01 September 2011 11:37. As reported in Weekly NEWS No. 29 of 22 July

Port state control (PSC) support DNV GL

guidelines for port State control officers. These guidelines are based on the MLC 2006 and take into account the port State control guidelines from the ILO. Guidelines on STCW (including the “Manila amendments”), electronic charts, lifeboat launching arrangements, asbestos, MARPOL Annex VI and LRIT were also adopted.
IMO FSI 21 Summary Report Considering this FSI 21 established a correspondence group with instructions to draft the IMO guidelines on port State control under the
… the Port State Control MEPC.252(67) adopted on 17. October 2014 Guidelines for Port State Control under before data collection starts for the IMO
These guidelines provide information and examples to help domestic commercial vessel owners Port State control The International Maritime Organization’s
IMO guidelines ofPSC on the ISM Code have constituted the basis for this study. Port State Control, ISM Code, Safety Management System, non-conformity,
This involves assessing the functioning of the port State inspection systems set up of relevant documents published by IMO, ILO and port state control related